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Harry Edohoukwa

1) Tell us something about yourself that your fans may not know.

A: I could have made it to the NBA off of my defense alone.

2) What made you get into making music?

A: My uncle Eli. Music was everywhere in my family but the way he interacted with it was different. It was spiritual for him. I wanted to feel that, then once I felt it I wanted others to feel it too.

3) How would you describe your style of music?

A: Neo-negro spirituals. It’s hard to explain, there’s hip hop, reggae, rock & soul influences. It’s all over the place. It’s my own. Someone said it’s as if Mick Jagger could rap, I thought that was a cool comparison.

4) Who are some artists that you grew up listening to? How would you say they've influenced your music style?

A: Lucky Dube & Beres Hammond for sure, they made me wanna sing.

5) How has being from Austin influenced your style of music?

A: It gave me the freedom to be weird. Freedoms the suburbs didn’t.

6) You just released your album 'Fire On The Mountain.' What was the inspiration behind this project?

A: Self refinement. I wanted to level up as a human and I thought that I had but I wasn’t as far along as I thought. That’s how this record started, wrestling with myself trying to figure out why I am who I am and how to get to who I wanna be.

7) Who is somebody you would love to collaborate with?

A: Frank Ocean - easily one of the greatest writers of our time.

8) What do you have planned for 2020? How do you plan to grow off the release of your album?

A: Getting out on the road. Listening to the music is one thing but performing it live is a whole other world. The more people I'm exposed to, the more I believe I will grow.

Follow Harry Edohouka:

Instagram - @edohoukwa00

Twitter - @edohoukwa

Spotify - @harryedohoukwa


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